Quote Puzzler
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  Forum : Bugs, Problems, and Issues : Slow loading

Author Topic: Slow loading
Posted Jan 5, 2017 at 1:58 PM
It has taken me just over two hours to play six games.....sometimes waiting up to 30 minutes for the next game to load....doesn't matter whether I am using IE or Firefox and the scores given are all over the place...is your server feeling the effects of Xmas?

There are exactly three types of people in the world..those who can count...and those who can't.
Posted Jan 14, 2017 at 6:21 PM
I have had difficulty as well. First I used Chrome on an office computer and had no success at all with getting being able to play games. IE was very slow. At home I use Firefox and it has been slow. I updated Adobe Flash Player here at home.

Life is far too important to be taken seriously---Oscar Wilde.
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