Quote Puzzler
An online game of scrambled quotations and words.
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Viewing Word Builder and HoneyComb Scores

Most of the games on the Quote Puzzler site have a time-based element to the scoring. In other words, the faster you solve the puzzle, the better your score.

The exceptions to this rule are Word Builder and HoneyComb. These two games allow you to take as much time as you want, and do not penalize you for it.

Many of the site's members return to the site two or three times during the day to "tweak" their solutions to these two puzzles before submitting them.

Since there is no time penalty, if you knew what the high score was, you could keep tweaking your solution until you beat it. This would put the members who solve early in the day at a definite disadvantage.

Thus, for these two games, you are not permitted to see the high score lists until you have submitted your own solution.
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